
Green Skills for Firefighters

The Clean Technology Centre is part of a project funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme to develop and implement a training programme of environmental skills for firefighters. The other Irish partner in the project is the Cork City Fire Brigade.

The partnership contains two partners with environmental and training experience and knowledge and six fire rescue services from six EU countries. The full partnership comprises:

  • Frederiksborg Fire and Rescue Service (Lead partner), Denmark
  • Clean Technology Centre at MTU, Ireland
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Cork City Fire Brigade, Ireland
  • National Fire Officers Alliance, Lithuania
  • Cyprus Fire Service
  • EuroBomberos, Spain
  • UAB Learnkey, Lithuania
  • Neptelia, Spain

The execution of the project will last 36 months (November 2020 to October 2023) and will include six major activities or stages:

Activity 1: Development

Activity 2: Translation

Activity 3: Initial Testing

Activity 4: Further development

Activity 5: Implementation

Activity 6: Final Development

Activity 7: Translation

Activity 8: Dissemination

The objective of the project is to develop the first open and multilingual e-learning platform for firefighters on green skills.

The e-learning platform will be accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones. The platform will be available in 5 languages (English, Danish, Lithuanian, Greek and Spanish) and it will contain six e-learning modules:

Module 1: Operations. How firefighters can carry out their daily operations out of the fire station (e.g. firefighting, activities related to SEVESO/COMAH installations and dangerous substances, etc.) in a greener way.

Module 2: Energy. How to reduce electricity consumption in the fire station.

Module 3: Water. How to reduce water consumption in the fire station.

Module 4: Waste. How to increase the percentage of the station waste that is recycled.

Module 5: Transport. How to reduce CO2 emissions.

Module 6: Society. How to promote sustainable behaviours in the local community.

Each e-learning module will include: an online course on the topic; an online tool to assess the learning outcomes from the online course and to produce a certificate; an online toolkit (set of tools, procedures, and supporting materials) to facilitate to firefighters the effective implementation of the sustainability measures described in the online course.

Key details

Project Name

Green Skills for Firefighters


European Union Erasmus+ Programme





Main features

A Training Programme to Develop Environmental Skills in Firefighters

Contact Details

Electrical and Sustainable Energy engineer
Safaa Al Tameemi
Electrical and Sustainable Energy engineer
Safaa is an Electrical and Sustainable Energy Engineer and Certified Energy Auditor; a member of the Association of Energy Auditors (AEE); a Certified ISO14064-3 Greenhouse Gas Quantifier and Verifier; and a data analyst. Safaa’s areas of expertise include energy efficiency, energy auditing, zero emissions, renewable energy sources, energy management system, resource efficiency assessments, carbon footprint and offset, waste and water. She has a solid foundation in data management, scaling-up data and writing technical reports.