
Provision of Expert Advice and Technical Assistance Relating to Food Waste Prevention in the Food Services Sector

A team led by the Clean Technology Centre has been successful in a mini-tender to provide expert advice and technical assistance relating to food waste prevention in the food services sector.

The team is comprised of: CTC, Waste Resources Action Plan (WRAP)Anthesis Group and Flannery Nagel Environmental Ltd.

The project team will provide advice and technical support to EPA to assist with the delivery of a collaborative programme to build capacity for food waste prevention in the food services sector.

The hospitality and food services sector is responsible for around 200,000 tonnes of food waste generated each year. The EPA’s Food Waste Prevention team is developing a programme to reduce food waste in this sector with an emphasis on measurement and actions required for food waste reduction in the food services sector to reach the ‘50% reduction by 2030’ goal.

Through engagement with the sector, the EPA Food Waste prevention team is developing an action plan for collaboration, working with stakeholders to identify supports and resources required by the target audience, and identify potential strategic partnerships.

Engagement with the industry will also consider the role of food waste reduction in the context of cost reduction and recovery as these businesses emerge post-COVID restrictions.

In parallel with development of an action plan for collaboration with the sector, a number of preparatory activities have been identified by EPA. These include the collation of existing resources on the portal, development of a standardised measurement methodology, and development of additional support tools, resources and case studies.

To support and implement these activities the following six tasks have been identified:

  1. Developing a standard food waste measurement protocol for the food services sector
  2. Carry out food waste assessments & provide support at up to 5 hospitality premises/clusters
  3. Produce up to 5 initial case studies
  4. Collation and development of guidance and training resources with a view to developing a food waste prevention ‘toolkit’ for food service businesses
  5. Develop food waste prevention guidance for government departments, third level institutes and other public bodies
  6. Deliver training on food waste prevention and/or support up to three sectoral events