
Single Use Plastics Study on Fishing Gear

In 2020 the Clean Technology Centre was commissioned by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) to undertake a case study to identify the barriers and economic impacts of reporting on the supply of fishing gear commercially put on the market in Ireland in the format outlined in the EU consultation of the Single Use Directive.

The objective of the study was to understand the impacts and practical considerations, of the new complementary EU directives, namely (a) Directive (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment and (b) Directive (EU) 2019/883 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships and the future planned implementation of (c) EU legislation regarding Extended Producer Responsibility, on the net producer sector.

The main output will be a detailed case study produced in collaboration with an Irish net producer, directly impacted by the obligations. The scope will be at least one key fleet segment which will align with the DAFM Irish Fishing Fleet. Through such an approach the results from this work can be applied to provide preliminary estimates for the calculation of reporting requirements for this sector.

In addition, through gathering aggregated insights from the sector, both on the supplier and user side, will provide a better understanding on the likely economic impact of implementing the forthcoming directives. The EU report on SUPs provides suggested approaches to collating and calculating data on the fishing gear placed on the market; waste fishing gear collected and passively fished waste.

The study will involve three main tasks as follows:

  • Gap analysis of current net maker data collation against reporting requirements in draft SUP monitoring guidelines
  • Consumer behaviour analysis, regarding net management through whole lifecycle, of fleet segment identified
  • Development and Delivery of Final Report