The Clean Technology Centre has partnered with Sust Hub at Clearstream Solutions, and Change by Degrees to deliver a training course on the Circular Economy to micro, small and medium sized enterprises in Cork.
The online training course is being facilitated by Enterprise Europe Network and the Sustainable Cork Programme at Cork Chamber under the MODOS* Programme.
The programme will run on dates in February and March 2021, with early registration strongly advised as participant numbers are limited to ensure the opportunity for bespoke business advice. Due to the current travel and meeting restriction there is a high level of flexibility with registration, module by module registration can be facilitated.
Each 2.5 hour interactive session will be a mix of presentations, best practice case studies, exercises and discussion with time available to for more specific Q&A to help participants apply the learning to your business.
CTC is delivering training on the subject of resource efficiency, on the optimisation of resources in businesses; the training will cover industrial processes but also non-industrial processes such as those in offices, retail and hospitality. CTC will showcase relevant case studies from a number of National Waste Prevention Plan (NWPP) resource efficiency programmes and training will be offered to companies on how to assess their business for resource efficiency opportunities and prepare an action plan. Participants will also be provided with a toolkit to aid better understanding of their consumption levels and for more efficient resource management.
For more information on dates and the content of modules click here.
To Register for the programme click here.
* MODOS is a joint initiative of Dublin City Council and the Waste Management Plan Lead Authority (WMPLA).