CTC has been engaged by a consortium on behalf of the European Commission (DG Enviroment, Unit G2 – Sustainable Production & Consumption) to join the project: Assessment and guidance for the implementation of EU waste legislation in Member States (ETAGIW).
The project lead partner is BiPRO GmbH, München and other partners includeUmweltbundesamt (UBA), Bio Intelligence Service (BioIS), Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava, WRc, and Enviroplan.
CTC will lead the workpackaging on developing new guidelines for provisions under the new Waste Framework Directive. This will include specific guidance on new separate collection and recovery requirements, the revised waste hierarchy, end of waste criteria, by-products, the mixing ban, and other definitions within the Directive. CTC is also providing input to the Guidance being developed by BiPro on the definition of incineration of municipal waste as energy recovery when certain energy efficiency requirements are met.