CTC is a partner in the EINSTEIN II Project that aims to contribute to a widespread implementation of integrated energy-efficient solutions for thermal energy supply in industrial companies with a high fraction of low and medium temperature heat demand and for non-industrial users of similar demand profiles, such as hospitals, commercial centres, large office buildings, district heating and cooling networks, etc.
The project, which is funded under the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme of the EU is led by Joanneum RESEARCH Forschungsgesell-schaft mbH (Austria) and includes other partners from Spain (E4-Experts SL and Chamber of Commerce and Industry Madrid), Austria(Austrian Energy Agency), Luxembourg (Centre de Recherche (CRP) Public Henri Tudor / Centre de Ressource des Technologies pour l’Environnement (CRTE)), Germany (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. and ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg, Italy (Tecnoalimenti), France(Chamber of Commerce Drôme), UK (West Midlands in Europe), Bulgaria (Ruse University “Angel Kunchev”) and Slovakia (Slovakian Cleaner Production Center).
The project builds on the EINSTEIN tool kit for thermal energy auditing that has been developed within the previous IEE project EINSTEIN (http://iee-einstein.org). This tool kit, based on an expert system software tool, guides the user through the whole procedure from auditing (preparation of visit and data acquisition), to data processing, to the elaboration, design and quantitative (energetic and economic) evaluation of alternative solutions.
EINSTEIN II will go beyond what was achieved in the previous project, with the following objectives:
- consolidate the EINSTEIN thermal energy audit methodology and extend it to non-industrial uses
- create an intensive training programme with relevant actors (energy auditors …) in additional countries, including larger European countries (UK, France, Germany)
- test and validate the improved and consolidated methodology in an audit campaign in the participating countries
- develop standards and contribution to standardisation activities ongoing in the European Committee for Standardization.