CTC Presents at Environment Ireland Conference

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Tadhg Coakley, Clean Technology Centre, presented at the recent Environment Ireland Conference on September 16th in Croke Park.

Tadhg’s presentation, based on over 20 years of CTC experience, was on The Economic Case for Resource Efficiency. The presentation outlined how resource efficiency can cut costs and boost income at three different levels in Ireland. At company level, at sector level and at a national level.

To download the presentation, click here.

At the company level, the presentation used CTC case studies and in particular, examples from the Green Business Case Study Booklet. This new guide – ‘Greening Your Business…how much can you save?” describes several case studies that demonstrate a combined saving of over €700,000 made by companies across various industries while working with the Green Business Programme. Click here to download the guide.

At the sector level, the presentation used examples from CTC’s work on some of the programmes of the National Waste Prevention Programme such as The Green Healthcare Programme, Stop Food Waste, The Green Hospitality Programme etc.

At the national or macro level, the presentation outlines the huge potential savings for Ireland by using resource efficiency. This was primarily taken from CTC’s research project: Roadmap for Resource Efficiency in Ireland which was published in 2014. Download that report here.

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entire company to be more efficient
in resource management
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