The Clean Technology Centre (CTC) have been awarded a Fáilte Ireland commission to produce Environmental Guidelines for the ‘Event’ sector in Ireland.
Fáilte Ireland has identified that Ireland is failing to compete in some areas of the Business Tourism sector due to a lack of environmental management credentials within the sector. By being unable to demonstrate good environmental management practice, Irish venues are losing a certain number of international events and conferences to other countries/cities such as Vienna, Paris, Rome & Barcelona. These destinations are successfully promoting themselves as “Greener” destinations.
More recent data sourced from the Fáilte Ireland 2008 Visitor Attitudes Survey demonstrates the growing importance of environmental sustainability in the hospitality sector with 46% of those interviewed agreeing that they would “Seek to stay in a hotel that has reduced its environmental impact”.
On behalf of Fáilte Ireland, CTC will produce; A set of Good Practice Guidelines in the Environmental Management of Conferences and Events for the Business Tourism Sector.
Conferences/event management covers a wide range of services and this tender is designed to identify where Irish tourism businesses can make changes and minimise their environmental impact. Communicating this to prospective clients is also a major issue and the element of accreditation would be included within the review of the sector.
For further information contact James Hogan at CTC