Prof. Dr. Zdravko Lenac, the Vice-Rector for science, research and the development at the University of Rijeka (UOR), Croatia, recently visited the Clean Technology Centre and Cork Institute of Technology. This follows upon the Clean Technology Centre EU Tempus project, establishing a cleaner production centre in the UOR.
Professor Lenac is responsible for managing several EU projects implemented at the University of Rijeka. He is currently developing a science park near the university with assistance from the World Bank.
The purpose of his visit was to strengthen links between CIT and UOR, and to learn from CIT how they established an incubation centre for SMEs. As well as visiting the CTC, he met with representatives of the Rubicon Centre, National Maritime College of Ireland and Blackrock Castle Observatory.
Picture shows Professor Lenac (right) with Michael Delaney (left), Head of Development, CIT.